about_usAbacusOrangeGroup™ is creating the lifestyle that is environmentally friendly for all, putting together a concept of energy and transport that will undoubtedly change the way we power homes, businesses and transport.

AbacusOrangeGroup™ has exclusive distribution agreements in place for United Kingdom, Europe, Africa and Middle East direct with manufacturers in France, Italy, United States and China. All of the manufacturers chosen by the management team only produce the best of quality and service having all the accreditations required and more.

AbacusOrangeGroup™ is currently putting together a business model to create our own manufacturing plant in the UK.

AbacusOrangeGroup™ The Executive Team have over 45 years experience in Developing, Designing, Manufacturing products in the both Environmentally friendly Transport and Energy industries and are constantly creating new and innovative products, with the introduction of Graphene technologies within our products we feel we shall be ahead of our closest competitors.